AZAD Hindi Association Inauguration

AZAD Hindi Association Inauguration program took place on 23-08-2017 10 am to 12.30 pm It is inaugurated by Dr. Herman, Asst. Prof. in Hindi, Department of Hindi,University of Calicut. He told that Hindi has more important than before even Information Communication Technology has improved.Unity in Diversity is put forward by Hindi as a National Language. Principal Ajay VA impart a key note addressin the program. Facilitation given by Pameela Johnson, HOD in English ,Pradeep, Asst. Prof. in hindi ,Sreeda, Student Ba Eng, Vishnu M, Union Chairman of the college. Velayudhan kp,Asst. Prof. in Hindi welcomed and vote of thanks by Sanoop Das Ist BSc. Evaluation of the Program was very nice.